Do you have children? Your children could be entitled to orphan’s pension if you die. We do impose a few conditions however.
What are the conditions?
- Your child must have been born before you retire and
- Your child must be under 18 or
- Your child must be under 27 and is still studying or is incapacitated
Read more about the conditions in the Regulations on My pension (in layer 3 of Pensioen 1-2-3). This information is only available in Dutch.
What should you do?
- Do you live in the Netherlands?
You do not need to register your child. We will get all the details from the municipality you live in. - Do you live abroad?
To report the birth of your child to the pension fund, please contact us. - Do you have step-children or foster children?
And would you like them to be eligible for orphan’s pension? To register them with the pension fund, please contact us.
Would you like to know what is arranged for your children?
The orphan’s pension is a percentage of the partner’s pension. . Read more about the conditions in the Regulations on My pension (in layer 3 of Pensioen 1-2-3). This information is only available in Dutch. All the amounts can be found on your annual Uniform Pension Overview (UPO) on My pension, in 'Mijn Archief'