Everything about the Pension Agreement

In our digital newsletter Pension Agreement Special, we keep you informed on important matters relating to the Pension Agreement.
First, we'd like to invite you to join the “Your pension is changing" digital webinar on 15 November. You can sign up for the webinar via the link in the newsletter. In the webinar, we'll zoom in on topics such as the Risk Preference Survey. But also on the impact of the Pension Agreement for your income later in life. Learn more about the Risk Appetite Survey in our Pension Agreement Special and discover what the survey entails, why it is important for you, and when you can expect an invitation to take part.
Further in the Pension Agreement Special, you can read an interview with three people who are working on preparations for the new pension scheme. And you can test your knowledge of the Pension Agreement. Simply go the Pension Agreement Special to start de quiz.
Pension Agreement Special October 2023Read also:
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