Agreement on the Future Pensions Act

31 May 2023

After passing the House of Representatives, the Senate has now also approved the Future Pensions Act (Wet toekomst pensioenen, Wtp). Pension funds now have until 1 January 2028 to amend their pension schemes to the new law.

J&J Pension Fund OFP remains committed to looking after your interests
With the introduction of the new pension system, many things are changing. What will change for you depends on the scheme you have now. And whether or not you still accrue pension. At What will change? you can read more about the changes in your new pension scheme. We do not have all the information yet. We will update the information regularly.

In the future, everyone will have a ‘defined contribution scheme’
You and your employer pay a monthly contribution that you use to accrue your own pension capital. That capital is invested. You use your pension capital to buy a benefit on your retirement date. The amount of pension you will receive is therefore not fixed in advance. It depends on investment results and the economic situation when you retire.

Want to read more about the changes?
All news items about the Pension Agreement can be found at 1 central location. Or visit for more general information on the changes to the pension system.

Our E+E work group is working on the Pension Agreement
The work group will keep you updated. In case a new update is available, it will be at hand at your portal My pension. Previous updates are also available there.

Make sure we have your private email address
We would like to ask everyone to check that J&J Pension Fund OFP has your correct private email address. This will allow us to reach you at all times and you will be sure that you will not miss any news about our pension fund. On My pension you can check your email address and change it if necessary.

My Pension

Do you have any questions about the Pension Agreement?
Then first check out the answers to frequently asked questions. Do you still have questions? Please contact us. You can email or call us. We like to help you!